Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hwy does my cat like to go in the bath tub and play right after i get out of the shower?

A lot of cats do that. They like the fresh water.

MOst folks don't properly sanitize the cat's bowl, and thus, the cat senses the water in the bowl is not healthy.

The water from the shower is fresh.

A cat's water bowl needs to be washed every day just like a dish you use yourself. Most people are too lazy to do that. If you are not willing to drink from your cat's bowl, then you can see it from the cat's perspective.Hwy does my cat like to go in the bath tub and play right after i get out of the shower?
One of my cats does this too. He likes the little bit of water for some reason. I think it's just an individual preference. My other cats want nothing to do with the shower or any water they're not drinking. If he's lapping at the water dripping from the faucet though, ensure that he has fresh clean water all the time. That's a reason cats will sometimes check out the shower and/or toilet.Hwy does my cat like to go in the bath tub and play right after i get out of the shower?
my kitten LOVES this.. BUT he hates bathes...

I think that he likes water.. on his own terms
Its fun and cats like doing things that make you wounder about them.
I have no idea. My youngest cat does this too. While he is in the shower he will knock off the bottles from the shelves. When I go to see what he is up to he'll look at me with ';I didn't do anything'; eyes. But all three of my cats love to be in the sink while I am brushing my teeth. And they always have fresh water in the water bowl.

Cats are funny creatures.
I have one that likes to 'catch' the drops of water running off the shower curtain.

Both have a strange fixation with the bathtub, though mine don't go in right after it's been used. At any point in the day you can walk by the bathroom and see one sitting in the tub or on it's side, in the dark, just sitting there. One was staring at the faucet this afternoon while sitting in the tub. Makes me wonder.

One of my girls will go in and rub at the tub's side with her front paws. She used to take little tin balls in and slap them around. I guess the curved sides/bottom made for a great play arena.
while I am in the tub mine will balance herself on ledge of the bathtub. It is a funny sight!
Maybe he thinks he is dirty
Oh! My cat does that, and then jumps on my bed with her muddy feet! (She's indoor/outdoor)

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