Monday, January 18, 2010

How are UTI caused and is it just from soda can you get it from a bath tub?

UTIs are caused from bacteria entering the urethra. Bacteria exists on and around the skin-and it normal. Its when it gets in the urethra or higher, affecting the kidneys, that it can be a problem. UTI's are one of the leading female complaints. They are painful and usually when diagnosed (with a urine test) the doctor will prescribe antibiotics based on the type of bacteria causing it, although it is not necessary to go to the doctor (unless it is your first). At home remedies include drinking straight cranberry juice (not cocktail) or taking the cranberry pills. Additionally there are also urinary supplements that include uva ursi, golden seal, and other effective UTI herbal fighters. I read a study a while back where high doses of vitamin c (5000 mg) will shock the urinary system. C is a water soluble vitamin so high doses shocking your system will not negatively impact you. If you are pregnant however, talk to your doctor. (I did the C thing and overnight I was muuuuch better. It DOES work). Oh, and even alchohol wipes could help. If the infection is causing pain, then there are pills you can get at the store that coat the bladder to prevent the pain.

UTI's are not caused specifically by soda, however, higher sugar content in foods can lead to more instances. Tub baths do not cause them unless you do not dry off sufficiently. Wearing cotton to allow body parts to breathe is another effective way to avoid them. Always wiping fron to back, and drink your water to keep ph balances proper (to keep bacteria down). Certain sex positions can also exacerbate the problem. If you want me to go into specifics, feel free to email me. I don't want to get too graphic in the public forum.

One thing that is commonly mistaken for UTI is an allergic reaction to scents in soaps or other products which can cause a buring sensation similar to UTI's. This is where the myth of tub baths comes in. If you use a scented bubble bath, that can cause irritation.

I don't know if I went oveboard in answering your question. But being that I suffered from these for YEARS, I just wanted to make sure I could help someone else-if that was your intent. Good luck. How are UTI caused and is it just from soda can you get it from a bath tub?
Bubble baths and not peeing after sexual activity can cause it.

Drinking soda will not have an effect on it.

ANY pain while peeing, SEE a doctor IMMEDIATELY. Don't put it off for a week.How are UTI caused and is it just from soda can you get it from a bath tub?
UTI's can be caused by taking bubble baths. They can also be caused by bad hygeine. Soda, however, cannot cause a UTI.
UTIs are caused by bacteria getting up through your urethra. Therefore, soda cannot cause a UTI, but sitting in the bath tub can.

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